Sunday, April 30, 2017

IDG Contributor Network: What happens when ‘Net Neutrality’ becomes ‘Pay-To-Play’?

Net neutrality is like a public park that anyone can use. ‘Pay-To-Play’ is a private club that only rich members use.

What happens to the internet when access isn’t equal? (Or to paraphrase George Orwell in Animal Farm, “We’re all equal, but some are more equal than others”). 

How could this impact consumers, businesses and non-profits?

“Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission outlined a sweeping plan to loosen the government’s oversight of high-speed internet providers, a rebuke of a landmark policy approved two years ago to ensure that all online content is treated the same by the companies that deliver broadband service to Americans”, reports the NYT.

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IDG Contributor Network: What happens when ‘Net Neutrality’ becomes ‘Pay-To-Play’?

What"s Your View on Employee Experience in the Digital Workplace? More News


Some people say intranets are so 2005. James Robertson wouldn’t be one of them.  They’re more important than ever today, not less. That’s because, he says, successful digital workplaces take a complete view of the experience a company delivers to its employees.

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What"s Your View on Employee Experience in the Digital Workplace? More News

The Details of JonBenéT Ramsey’s Death Are Just as Chilling as They Were in 1996

The case of JonBenét Ramsey has sparked a renewed interest over the past year thanks to a handful of recent TV specials that have shed more light on her tragic death. Most recently, the Netflix feature-length documentary Casting JonBenét was released – it’s a hybrid of fiction and nonfiction that aims to figure out just why the legacy of this unsolved crime still captures the nation’s attention. The 6-year-old beauty queen was killed in December 1996, and while her attacker has never been found – suspects have ranged from her parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, her older brother Burke Ramsey, and schoolteacher John Mark Karr, who falsely confessed to the crime – the details of JonBenét’s murder are just as chilling as they were 21 years ago.

Make no mistake about it: JonBenét Ramsey was brutally murdered. The little girl was found wrapped in her white blanket with a nylon cord around her neck, her wrists tied above her head, and duct tape over her mouth. An autopsy of JonBenét’s body later revealed that she was struck in the head with a blunt object, which knocked her unconscious. Sometime between 45 minutes to two hours after she was knocked out, she was strangled to death with a garrote made from a piece of cord and the handle from a broken paintbrush. Patsy Ramsey alleged that JonBenét was not wearing the same clothing she went to bed in. The official cause of death was “asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma,” and police later confirmed that she had also been sexually assaulted.

In December 2003, investigators retested a blood sample found on JonBenét’s underwear, which was revealed to belong to an unidentified male who was not related to the Ramsey family. In 2008, Burke, along with parents John and Patsy, were officially cleared in the case. To this day, investigators have not been able to identify who the DNA belongs to, and the case remains open.


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The Details of JonBenéT Ramsey’s Death Are Just as Chilling as They Were in 1996

A Cosmic-Ray Hunter Closes in on Super-Energetic Particles

A Cosmic-Ray Hunter Closes in on Super-Energetic Particles

Angela Olinto’s new balloon experiment takes her one step closer to the unknown source of the most energetic particles in the universe. The post A Cosmic-Ray Hunter Closes in on Super-Energetic Particles appeared first on WIRED.
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A Cosmic-Ray Hunter Closes in on Super-Energetic Particles

If software eats everything, are network engineers on the menu?

If you’re a network engineer, don’t rush out and learn a programming language. To compete in the new world of software-defined networking, it might be more important to start thinking like a programmer.

That was one of the ideas that emerged this week from an Open Networking User Group debate that generated healthy feedback from users in the audience.

The days of managing individual switches and routers and configuring them with proprietary CLIs (command-line interfaces) are numbered, four panelists at the ONUG spring conference in San Francisco said on Tuesday. Though SDN hasn’t worked its way into every enterprise, new approaches to enterprise IT and the availability of public clouds just a few clicks away are driving companies toward more agile and automated networks, they said.

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Computerworld Cloud Computing

If software eats everything, are network engineers on the menu?

Your Car Will Eventually Live-Stream Video of Your Driving to the Cloud

As self-driving cars become more advanced with a greater number of onboard computers, sensors, cameras and WiFi, the amount of data is expected to balloon, providing automakers, insurers and others with rich information to harvest.

A single autonomous car could generate as much as 100GB of data every second, said Barclays analyst Brian Johnson, in a note published Wednesday.

autonomous cars big dataBarclays

If extrapolated out to the entire U.S. fleet of vehicles — 260 million in number — autonomous cars and trucks could potentially produce about 5,800 exabytes, Johnson stated.

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Computerworld Cloud Computing

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Your Car Will Eventually Live-Stream Video of Your Driving to the Cloud

Rackspace Adds Professional Services for AWS

Rackspace, the #1 managed cloud company, helps businesses tap the power of cloud computing without the complexity and cost of managing it all on …


Rackspace Adds Professional Services for AWS

Roundup Of Cloud Computing Forecasts, 2017

Cloud Computing is projected to increase from $ 67B in 2015 to $ 162B in 2020 attaining a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19%. Gartner predicts the worldwide public cloud services market will grow 18% in 2017 to $ 246.8B, up from $ 209.2B in 2016.


Roundup Of Cloud Computing Forecasts, 2017

Paris Jackson Warns Viewers Off 13 Reasons Why

Paris Jackson has warned ’13 Reasons Why’ may leave viewers in a “dark place”.

The ‘Star’ actress – who has previously attempted suicide “multiple times” – thinks Netflix’s controversial program has done an “amazing” job of warning bullies their actions can have serious consequences, but admitted she is also concerned it could have a triggering effect on vulnerable people.

Paris shared a post warning away audiences from the show, which argued it was “incredibly irresponsibly handled and puts people in very real danger” and advised impressionable youngsters to stay away from the series.

She wrote: “This is really important to spread towards people that are struggling with depression or anxiety, self-harm, and or suicidal thoughts.

“This show was an amazing way to get the message across to bullies that they need to stop doing what they are doing.

“It really did a good job of showing how impactful words and actions can be to other human beings. You can’t just do or say things to people without thinking about how it will affect them.

“But at the same time, it is also an extremely triggering thing to watch.

“Please only watch this show with caution and keep in mind that it may put you in a dark place. If you are struggling please don’t watch it. If you think you can handle it, please by all means check it out.(sic)”

Paris – who is the daughter of the late Michael Jackson – previously admitted she had made a number of suicide attempts in the past.

The 19-year-old star said: “It was just self-hatred. Low self-esteem, thinking that I couldn’t do anything right, not thinking I was worthy of living anymore.”

’13 Reasons Why’, which hit Netflix on March 31, is based on the 2007 novel ‘Thirteen Reasons Why’ by Jay Asher and revolves around Hannah, who kills herself following a series of heartbreaking failures brought on by a number of students within her school in California.

After Hannah’s death, those individuals who contributed to her death received a box of tapes in which the troubled teen describes in detail how their actions led to her ending her life.


Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Hickmann Ana Ivanovi Ana Paula Lemes Ananda Lewis Angela Marcello


Paris Jackson Warns Viewers Off 13 Reasons Why

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Bus Ticketing In Myanmar Goes Digital, Thanks To This Brother-Sister Team

Thet Mon Aye and Zarni Nway Oo, a sibling entrepreneur duo, launched Star Ticket as a way to bring Myanmar’s bus system from an analog era into the digital age.

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Bus Ticketing In Myanmar Goes Digital, Thanks To This Brother-Sister Team

Climate Marchers And Trump White House Troll Each Other As D.C. Swelters

Exactly a week after the March for Science brought thousands in to the streets in Washington, D.C. and other cities, the scene is repeating itself again with the Climate March demonstrations taking place around the country.

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Climate Marchers And Trump White House Troll Each Other As D.C. Swelters

This week in apps: Instagram hits 700 million, Apple"s new music deal, and more


With the fallout from the ill-fated Fyre Festival still unfolding and Amazon’s slightly creepy new Echo, you may have missed some of this week’s best new apps. 

Each week, we round up the latest app news, along with a few of our favorite new and updated apps, to keep you in the loop with everything coming to your phone.

Here’s what caught our eye this week. If you’re looking for more, make sure to check out last week’s look at top apps.


Image: gabsee

Wonder what all the fuss is about augmented reality? Look no further than Gabsee a new app that shows just how much fun AR can be. Make an avatar (think, 3D Bitmoji with fewer customization choices), choose a mood, and watch your avatar act out the mood right in front of you. Gabsee uses your phone’s camera to overlay your avatar right onto your surroundings and you can record videos of your creation to share with friends outside of the app. Read more…

More about Weekly App Roundup, Apps And Software, Tech, Tech, and Apps Software


This week in apps: Instagram hits 700 million, Apple"s new music deal, and more

It’s a Royal Affair…

… in Brooklyn!

Bev has decided to wear an asymmetrical fascinator to celebrate Kate and Wills’ big day, while Mary opted for a hat with a little tropical flavor.


(By the way, this wasn’t an easy photo to get:)


Danica Patrick Daniella Alonso Danneel Harris Deanna Russo Denise Richards Desiree Dymond


It’s a Royal Affair…

Cloud Computing Has Another Killer Quarter

To most people, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is known as the company reshaping the way people buy everything from books to shoes to groceries. But the part of Amazon that is driving Bezos within shouting distance of becoming the world’s richest person doesn’t really sell anything, it rents computing power in the cloud.

The cloud is more profitable than e-tailing

As the New York Times put it on Thursday, “The profit Amazon can make on cloud-computing services is significantly bigger than in its retail sales, and that has helped turn the Seattle company from a consistent money-loser to a respectable moneymaker.”

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Cloud Computing Has Another Killer Quarter

Cloud computing has another killer quarter

To most people, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is known as the company reshaping the way people buy everything from books to shoes to groceries. But the part of Amazon that is driving Bezos within shouting distance of becoming the world’s richest person doesn’t really sell anything, it rents computing power in the cloud.

The cloud is more profitable than e-tailing

As the New York Times put it on Thursday, “The profit Amazon can make on cloud-computing services is significantly bigger than in its retail sales, and that has helped turn the Seattle company from a consistent money-loser to a respectable moneymaker.”

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Cloud computing has another killer quarter

Will Black Keys Team Up With Ke$ha? First They Want Jim Nabors

The duo sat down with MTV News in Berlin to discuss a pair of unlikely collaborations.
By James Montgomery

<P>Theirs is a relationship that has spanned time and Twitter, <a href=”!/keshasuxx/status/77286418598211584″ target=”_blank”>seafood</a> and <a href=”!/keshasuxx/status/157523381602889728″ target=”_blank”>shaving</a>, but over the years, the unlikely bond between the <a href=””>Black Keys</a> and <a href=””>Ke$ ha</a> has grown to become something <i>more</i>: a genuine friendship, marked with the occasional trespassing charge. </P><P> </P><P></p><div class=”player-placeholder right” title=”Would The Black Keys Ever Collaborate With Ke$ ha?” id=”″ width=”240″ height=”211″></div><p> </P><P> </P><P>”We’re friends with her, we’ve known her since way before she was famous, before she was even a singer, I guess,” Keys drummer Patrick Carney told MTV News. “When she was 16 years old, she used to sneak into our shows. We kind of became friends with her by kicking her out of our backstage room, over and over again. She actually has snuck into shows in L.A., San Diego, Coachella …” </P><P> </P><P>”She snuck in and [got] kicked out of one show, like, <i>five</i> times,” frontman Dan Auerbach added. “[She] snuck in through the kitchen. I don’t know if she’s such a big fan; she just likes breaking the rules.” </P><P> </P><P>So, when MTV News sat down with the ‘Keys in Berlin during the premiere of their <a href=”/news/articles/1678662/black-keys-gold-on-the-ceiling-music-video.jhtml”>”Gold on the Ceiling”</a> video, we had to ask if their friendship with Ke$ ha would take the next step: an actual musical collaboration. It’s not all that far-fetched, considering both Ke$ h and Auerbach live in Nashville (“I see her every once in a while flying by in her T-Top [convertible],” Auerbach laughed), and recently, the glittery one has logged studio time with <a href=”!/keshasuxx/status/160846424609787906″ target=”_blank”>the Flaming Lips</a>. So, could we see a team-up on the next Black Keys album? </P><P> </P><P>”I guess, I don’t know,” Carney said. “We don’t really do that many collaborations, really.” </P><P> </P><P>OK, so if a Ke$ ha collabo isn’t in the cards, just who would the ‘Keys like to work with next? Well, as it turns out, they’ve got their eyes set on landing a very big star for the next record … even if they mistakenly believe he’s deceased. </P><P> </P><P>”We both want to work with Jim Nabors very badly, but apparently he’s not with us anymore,” Carney said. </P><P>Oh, <a href=”” target=”_blank”>but he is.</a> Which means that, much like Nabors, the dream is alive. The Ke$ ha collabo? Eh, probably not so much. </P><P> </P><P><i>Should the Black Keys hit the studio with Ke$ ha? Leave your comment below!</i></p>

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Will Black Keys Team Up With Ke$ha? First They Want Jim Nabors

Cloudflare Debuts Orbit Security Service to Protect IoT Devices

New service from Cloudflare provides a buffer network for IoT devices that can help protect against unpatched vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks.


Cloudflare Debuts Orbit Security Service to Protect IoT Devices

Cloud Computing

Continue to Cloud Computing ». From Trekkies, Wookies, and Propellerheads. “Whereas knights of old wore armor of plate, the modern knights of the …


Cloud Computing

Friday, April 28, 2017

CASB technology is Rx for cloud opacity at AstraZeneca

At AstraZeneca, cloud computing takes many forms — there are cloud software tools such as file-sync-and-share application Box and Workday for …


CASB technology is Rx for cloud opacity at AstraZeneca

Microsoft Releases Azure Cloud Management Libraries for.NET and Java

The latest cloud updates include the release of Azure management libraries, new IoT Gateway SDK packages and more services for the U.K.


Microsoft Releases Azure Cloud Management Libraries for.NET and Java

Facebook and Google got scammed out of $100 million


A 48-year-old Lithuanian man named Evaldas Rimasauskas managed to defraud internet giants Facebook and Google of $ 100 million over a span of two years, according to Fortune and the United States Department of Justice. How’d he do it? A little email phishing, of course.

Rimasauskas set up several accounts in Latvia and Cyprus under the name of an Asian “computer hardware manufacturer” that does business with the search giant and the social giant, according to the Justice Department. Then he set up fake email accounts pretending to be representatives of the hardware company. He used those fake accounts to request money from Google and Facebook, who wired cash his way. That kind of cash may have caused some raised eyebrows at the banks into which Rimasauskas funneled the money, but he “forged invoices, contracts, and letters that falsely appeared to have been executed and signed by executives and agents” of Google and Facebook, according to the Justice Department. Read more…

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Facebook and Google got scammed out of $100 million

Sift Science uses machine learning to help businesses reduce fraud without impacting the user experience  

This column is available in a weekly newsletter called IT Best Practices.  Click here to subscribe.  

Companies that provide online transactional services to consumers or other businesses have to be concerned about fraud. Whether it is renting hotel rooms to travelers, selling books to avid readers, arranging shipping services for hard goods, or any of the thousands of other types of sales and services transacted online, the entity behind the online business needs to know if the end user and transaction can be trusted.

The credit reporting company Experian says that e-commerce fraud attack rates spiked 33% in 2016 compared to 2015. Experian attributes this increase to the recent switch to EMV (those chip-based credit cards), which drove fraudsters to online card-not-present fraud, and to the vast number of data breaches in which users’ online credentials were stolen. The Federal Trade Commission says the number of consumers who reported their stolen data was used for credit card fraud increased from 16% in 2015 to 32% in 2016.

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Sift Science uses machine learning to help businesses reduce fraud without impacting the user experience  

Does anyone really need a phone that can tell what you’re eating?

It’s obvious that the craziest, most daring, most innovative smartphone manufacturers aren’t in South Korea or California, but in China, where they toil away in relative obscurity. Chinese manufacturers are risk takers, and they’re prepared to try things that their larger rivals wouldn’t dare. Where am I going with this? Well, earlier today, I stumbled upon the ChangHong H2, and my jaw dropped. Just watch the video above, and you’ll see what I mean. In short, the ChangHong H2 is a phone with its own integrated spectrometer, allowing it to identify the composition of objects. It’s a bit like a…

This story continues at The Next Web

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Does anyone really need a phone that can tell what you’re eating?"s shadiness is exactly why people don"t trust tech companies


When The New York Times reported the popular inbox-cleaning app was providing anonymized user data to Uber as part of the ride-hailing company’s bid to crush competition from Lyft, the backlash was swift.

Outraged users took to Twitter, bashing the company and pledging to delete the service. CEO Jojo Hedaya quickly apologized, but it did little to quell the outrage. Later, cofounder Perri Chase wrote an impassioned defense of Hedaya on Medium.

“Data is pretty much the only business model for email and is not the only company that looks at, collects and sells your data,” Chase — who is no longer part of the company — wrote. “There was no intentional malice done by Jojo or anyone at” Read more…

More about Tech Column, Uber, Apps And Software, Tech, and Tech

RSS-3"s shadiness is exactly why people don"t trust tech companies

Cloud computing has another killer quarter

To most people, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is known as the company reshaping the way people buy everything from books to shoes to groceries. But the part of Amazon that is driving Bezos within shouting distance of becoming the world’s richest person doesn’t really sell anything, it rents computing power in the cloud.

The cloud is more profitable than e-tailing

As the New York Times put it on Thursday, “The profit Amazon can make on cloud-computing services is significantly bigger than in its retail sales, and that has helped turn the Seattle company from a consistent money-loser to a respectable moneymaker.”

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Cloud computing has another killer quarter

IBM adds API tools to Bluemix serverless framework

InfoWorld Cloud Computing

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IBM adds API tools to Bluemix serverless framework

Shocker: United Airlines has the most in-flight animal deaths


Next time you’re taking a plane trip, you might want to consider leaving your pets at home … especially if you’re flying United.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s February 2017 Air Data Consumer Report, United had the most animal deaths of all United States airlines in 2016 — for the second year in a row, might we add.


It’s been a terrible, no good, very bad couple of months for United — from leggings-gate to the infamously violent removal of a passenger from an overbooked flight.

And just this week a giant rabbit unexpectedly died on one of United’s transatlantic flights, so add that to next year’s report. Read more…

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Shocker: United Airlines has the most in-flight animal deaths