Saturday, January 30, 2016

Apple devs: Don"t let Apple"s Xcode validation scare you

The Apple App Store has long enjoyed a sterling reputation for screening out malware. But last weekend, the company pulled apps infected with XcodeGhost malware from the Chinese Apple App Store — infected apps that had apparently been created with a counterfeit version of Apple’s Xcode IDE by unsuspecting developers.

As a precaution, Apple emailed its developers on Tuesday, recommending that they validate their installed version of Xcode using a simple procedure to ensure it wasn’t a hacked version. The email also contained a reminder to “always download Xcode directly from the Mac App Store, or from the Apple Developer website, and leave Gatekeeper enabled on all your systems to protect against tampered software.”

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Apple devs: Don"t let Apple"s Xcode validation scare you

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