Monday, February 29, 2016

RSA 2016: A smell that makes me shudder

It’s been a miserable couple of years for enterprise security. The list of Fortune 500s, US (and other) Government, university, even outing an ex-NSA director’s emails have been both frightening, and perhaps a little bit amusing.

There is a certain pomposity, that vague smell of we-can-do-it flatulence, which tends to make me shudder at RSA. Security is a moving target. But even ICANN let its https certificate expire earlier this year, so the problem is pervasive. Lifting all boats, to use that hackneyed phrase, is tipping some of them over. I’m surprised my fellow journalists gave ICANN a pass.

But Mozilla via Firefox gives a pass to Symantec to let some dead certificates float for a little while longer, like flotsam in the septic—somehow permitted. Microsoft infuriates its users by jamming Windows 10 down their throats, although its enterprise clientele is given a forcefeed-pass.

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Network World Cloud Computing

RSA 2016: A smell that makes me shudder

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