Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Cisco reinforces cloud security technology with $293M CloudLock buy

Cisco today said it would make its fifth acquisition of the year by acquiring cyber security provider CloudLock for $ 293 million.

The move should bolster Cisco’s overarching cloud security offerings and the CloudLock team will join Cisco’s Networking and Security Business Group under Senior Vice President and General Manager David Goeckeler, Cisco stated.

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In a blog post announcing the deal, Cisco’s Rob Salvagno, vice president of Cisco Corporate Business Development, said: “CloudLock specializes in Cloud Access Security Broker, or CASB, technology and helps organizations move faster to the cloud. CloudLock delivers cloud security to help track and manage user behavior and sensitive data in SaaS applications, such as Office365, Google Drive, and Salesforce. Enterprise IT can then enforce a granular security policy within these cloud applications. For example, CloudLock can help protect data and enforce access rules when an employee tries to access sensitive data stored in a SaaS application from an unprotected device, in a defined geography, at a specific time of the day – essentially, ‘security anywhere, anytime’ for content in the cloud. CloudLock extends these security controls to the IaaS and PaaS layers as well.”

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Cisco reinforces cloud security technology with $293M CloudLock buy

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