Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Virtual reality fans are disappointed in Palmer Luckey"s secret Trump fund


When you find out the enigmatic 24-year-old who built one of the first commercially viable virtual reality headsets also funds a pro-Trump political action group aimed at spreading anti-Hillary Clinton memes, you may feel like your worldview has shifted a bit.

At least that was the response of scores of virtual reality fans, some of whom had followed Oculus founder Palmer Luckey since he posted the Oculus Rift development kit on Kickstarter in 2012. Luckey is a key figure in the growth of virtual reality. Before the headset maker was purchased by Facebook in 2014 for $ 2 billion, he was outspoken and heavily involved on VR forums, the Oculus subreddit and across social media — seemingly rarely with much of a filter. As the Facebook acquisition finalized and the Rift neared final commercial release, that did change some, but Luckey was always a force online. Read more…

More about Politics, Donald Trump, Virtual Reality, Oculus, and Palmer Luckey


Virtual reality fans are disappointed in Palmer Luckey"s secret Trump fund

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