Friday, February 24, 2017

The Google v. Uber lawsuit is confusing, until you watch "Silicon Valley"


Google and Uber are set to duke it out in court, and the fight is far from simple. The good news is, though, that as art imitates life which then often imitates art, HBO’s Silicon Valley can help you understand this quarrel. 

On Thursday, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) announced that it’s taking Uber to court over self-driving car technology that it claims a former employee stole to start another company, which Uber then bought because of the technology that person allegedly stole. 

Cases like this are confusing from the get-go, but all the moving parts make this one particularly hard to followSilicon Valley isn’t a perfect apples-to-apples comparison, but the major issues at hand are similar enough to provide some idea of what’s actually going on here. At stake is technology that is key to self-driving cars, which Google, Uber and many other companies are betting on. Read more…

More about Business, Silicon Valley, Waymo, Self Driving Cars, and Autonomous Cars

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The Google v. Uber lawsuit is confusing, until you watch "Silicon Valley"

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