Sunday, April 2, 2017

IDG Contributor Network: Lesson from AWS outage: stop putting your eggs in the same basket

It happened again.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) went down yesterday for hours,  bringing down a huge chunk of the internet with it. I didn’t realize at the time that AWS was the reason that I was not able to play the latest episode of Supergirl on my Apple TV. And it was not just the iCloud that was affected. It was not just the small sites. Big players were hit big time, including Apple, Adobe, Docker’s Registry Hub, GitHub, GitLab, Quora, Medium, Signal, Slack, Imgur,…and many more.

This is not the first time AWS has gone down for hours, bringing everyone down with them. And it won’t be the last time.

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IDG Contributor Network: Lesson from AWS outage: stop putting your eggs in the same basket

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