Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How the cloud is transforming HR

“Wash, rinse and repeat.” That’s how Justin Watras describes the paper-based process that used to take up hours of managers’ time whenever a new employee started at Brooks Brothers.

“In a perfect scenario they’d show up with a bunch of employment documents, but more often than not they forgot or weren’t told,” explained Watras, the clothing retailer’s director of talent management and organizational effectiveness. “Either way, a manager or HR member would have to devote significant time to sitting with them and filling out paperwork in a process that often lasted hours.”

It’s a little different today.

Now, as soon as someone accepts a job, Brooks Brothers sends out an email with a link to the online equivalent of all that paperwork so they can do their part ahead of time. Also included is access to an employee portal filled with resources such as FAQs and a video from the CEO.

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How the cloud is transforming HR

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