Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Zuckerberg, Cook and Dorsey join 80 other CEOs in protest of North Carolina anti-LGBT law

Tim Cook, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg have teamed up with over 80 CEOs, as well as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Equality NC to add their signatures to a letter calling for the repeal of House Bill 2. Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign identified some of the talking points within the letter. “Discrimination is bad for North Carolina, bad for America, and bad for business,” Griffin said in a release. “These business leaders are speaking out because they know this attack on lesbian, gay, bisexual and especially transgender North Carolinians isn’t just morally wrong —…

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Zuckerberg, Cook and Dorsey join 80 other CEOs in protest of North Carolina anti-LGBT law

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