Monday, February 6, 2017

The cloud continues to rise—and fast

Now that the big three cloud vendors—Amazon, Microsoft and Google—have released their financial results for the fourth quarter of 2016, it’s time once again to take stock of how fast the cloud is growing. 

The short answer remains: very, very fast. 

That conclusion comes in spite of some carping from analysts about the latest numbers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), but I don’t think those complaints add up to much when comes to the health of the cloud computing industry. But let’s take a closer look, and you can decide for yourself. 

AWS posted strong growth 

AWS revenue grew 47 percent in the quarter to $ 3.5 billion. The business earned $ 926 million in the quarter, up from $ 540 million in Q4 2015. 

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The cloud continues to rise—and fast

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