Saturday, May 27, 2017

EternalRocks network worm uses 7 NSA hacking tools

While you won’t be forgetting the WannaCry ransomware attack, it is likely you will be hearing a lot more about the alleged NSA-linked EternalBlue exploit and DoublePulsar backdoor as it seems a wide range of bad guys have them in their toyboxes. At least one person is leveraging seven leaked NSA hacking tools for a new EternalRocks network worm.

EternalBlue and DoublePulsar

Malwarebytes believes WannaCry did not spread by a malicious spam email campaign, but by an scanning operation that searched for vulnerable public facing SMB ports, then used EternalBlue to get on the network and DoublePulsar to install the ransomware.

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EternalRocks network worm uses 7 NSA hacking tools

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